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Divine Design for the Family by Ray and Rhoda Wenger

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The uniqueness of this book is its thoroughly biblical basis. In eighteen chapters (296 pages), Bible verses are quoted or referenced over 1200 times. The title emphasizes this point. The subtitle was chosen to clarify this emphasis. The authors have been married nearly 50 years and have raised 9 children.
We invite you to join us for a detailed study of Scripture instead of relying on sociological research or psychological theory. God’s analysis of the family is always accurate, always valuable, always insightful, always relevant — a great contrast to grandiose human theories which are embraced gladly but then forsaken for a new theory after causing irrevocable damage.
Instead of cherry picking isolated verses to validate our own views, we must discover God’s design for the family by detailed study of entire passages of Scripture. Success on God’s terms requires a deep understanding of God and His purposes.
In 13 chapters the first three sections of the book deal with: 1. Foundational issues (Whom to believe, The importance of faith, Husband-wife relationships), 2. The role of parents (Training children to have impact for God, Dealing with depravity, Godly parenthood), and 3. The details of child training (Spiritual training, Discipline, Developing delightful children). The fourth section (new) shows how to have victory over common temptations in family life, and turn those situations into spiritual triumph. It teaches how to have godly husband and wife communication (ch 14), how to resolve husband and wife conflict (ch 15), how important it is for parents to continually pursue God’s ways (ch 16), how the temptations of motherhood can be shaped into joy instead of sadness (ch 17), and how parents can choose the spiritual legacy to provide for their family (ch 18).
Divine Design for the Family is not a list of cute definitions or clever outlines. It is not intended to be a collection of fancy formulas for instant results. The goal is to clarify God’s principles for raising a vibrant family and to open vistas in God’s Word that will inspire parents to use the Bible as the source of wisdom for training a family to make an impact for God. Then when questions arise, the parent can go to the Bible itself for answers. God’s principles give confidence to parents. By obeying God, parents can learn how to creatively apply His principles to fit their particular situation. God’s Word is the textbook. We are the students.
Some people believe that the Bible is irrelevant and out of date, but have never in fairness studied the Bible deeply to investigate if their assumption is true. We invite you to make this investigation with us before passing judgment. Only by tasting can we see that the Lord is good. He respectfully withdraws from those who refuse to taste.
1 Reviews for Divine Design for the Family by Ray and Rhoda Wenger
Thoroughly Biblical - Tuesday, November 8, 2022 AnonymousThis book challenged me more diligently to seek counsel from the scriptures (rather than the "wisdom" of man") to faithfully obey God in my marriage and in raising my children. What is hard to accept, however, is that often when we obey the biblical teachings regarding family, it is not always easy and requires walking by faith and not by sight. This book encouraged me to trust God more in obeying him as a husband and father and to entrust the outcomes to him. The personal anecdotes and journal entries of the authors' children greatly inspired me in seeing the fruit produced by the authors practicing what they preach. The chapter on leading children to Christ was most helpful. May God richly bless your ministry in Christ Jesus.