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Indiana at Random by Wendell Trogdon
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Categories: Wendell Trogdon
Author: Wendell Trogdon
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A Guide to the Real Indiana
Escape the Routine! Tired of the humdrum of Interstate travel? This book offers alternatives to the boredom of today's super highways. It details 15 highways where traffic is light and each mile brings new views of the state not visible from the fast lanes of major roads. The book takes readers to 200 cities and towns such as Bluffton and Salem, Montpelier and Merom. And it notes historic treasures and scenic vistas often overlooked by tourism directors. Each of the 15 roads is reviewed in detail, described as the author observed them. Each route is evaluated as accurately as possible, attractions have been pinpointed, and he even mentions the restaurants he liked. If you enjoy the freedom of roads less traveled, you will likely share the author's enthusiasm. Check out other titles by Wendell TrogdonThere are no reviews yet, submit yours in the box provided.
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