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Piano Hymn Arrangements by Esther Albright Dennis

- Description
Available as Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced
18 Songs - 40 pages
These piano arrangements are ideal for piano students and church pianists. The songs are purposely kept in the same key as the church hymnal so they can be used for congregational singing.
Song titles are:
At Calvary
I Would Not Be Denied
When I See the Blood
It Cleanseth Me
Deeper Deeper
Nothing But the Blood
Sweet By and By
A Shelter in the Time of Storm
Near the Cross
I've Anchored in Jesus
Covered by he Blood
It Is Mine
I Know Whom I Have Believed
Give Him the Glory
At The Cross
He Brought Me Out
He Abides
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms.
Beginner Level: has single-note melody, and simple one and two note chords for bass.
Intermediate Level: has two-note harmony in the treble clef, and the bass clef has simple chording and fills to add interest for the intermediate player.
Advanced Level: has full octave chords in treble and bass clef, with fills to add interest for the advanced player. However, if you feel the Advanced Level is too hard to begin with, the songs will still sound very nice using only the octaves, or only the top melody note, or the top two or three notes creating simple harmony without the lower octave note.